Somaliland: Two Year PSA Extension for DNO


Somaliland government extends the PSA for Norwegian firm DNO to farm Block 18

Somalilandsun – DNO ASA announce that it has been granted a two year extension of the term of its production sharing agreement-PSA for Block SL18 in Somaliland thus the first exploration period will now end on 8 November 2017 according to an OIL VOICE report

Block SL18, in which DNO has a 50 percent stake as operator, is a frontier exploration block. The partners have completed field survey and environmental assessment studies over the block and will initiate a planned seismic acquisition program once the Government of Somaliland has put in place a planned Oil Protection Unit (OPU) to support the international oil companies operating in Somaliland. The OPU is expected to be operational in 2015.

In the interim, security conditions permitting, DNO will resume a development program focused on drilling water wells to provide local communities in the areas covered by Block SL18 with potable water.