Somaliland: Government Hosts Two Days Ethio-Somaliland Bilateral Talks


By: Hasan O Horri

HARGEISA (Somalilandsun) – A broad based delegation from Ethiopia is in the country for bilateral talks in Hargeisa starting on Monday 29th April.

The two days talks to be held at Ambassador Hotel in Hargeisa are geared towards not only cementing but enhancing various agreements existing between the two neighbouring countries.

The 14 members of the Ethiopian delegation which arrived in the country both by air and on land consists of representatives from the departments of Foreign affairs, Finance, Transport, Public works, Energy-Electricity, Aviation and commerce.

Also in the delegation are officials from the Jig-jiga town based Somalia Zone five regional administration which is the main conduit between Ethiopia and Somaliland.

The Hargeisa talks are a follow up of earlier ones in the Ethiopian town of Dire-Dawa which was at ministerial level and ensued with the creation of specialized technical committees from the two countries that were mandated with coming up with clear guidelines to guide the relationship between their two countries as per particular areas and or sectors of expertise.

The two countries have maintained a long standing relationship especially in the areas of security, diplomacy and commerce with the landlocked Ethiopia utilizing the port of Berbera for 90% of its imports and exports not to mention that it is one of the few countries to maintain a full diplomatic mission in Hargeisa.

With the expected anticipation that the on-going bilateral talks shall enhance and cement existing bilateral relations various analysts point out that Ethiopia which is the main beneficiary of this relationships needs to act further as concerns Somaliland’s quest for recognition.