The Invisible Ways Online Search Engines Shape Opinions


The Not Always Fair Way Search Engines Shape Opinions

Somalilandsun- The quality of Google’s results has been questioned lately: its direct answers are often factually incorrect, biased, and even dangerous. But what about the subtle biases that we don’t notice? Those may be invisibly shaping our political views and opinions about the world.
This is according to Masha Maksimava of SEO PowerSuite in her post on Google’s search quality crisis In which she is sharing examples of Google results going wrong, along with the reasons for it and the potential implications it has.
Here are some of the things you’ll find in the article.
• Why fake news sites dominate the search results;
• How Google’s results may have affected the 2016 election;
• Whether Google is altering some of its results on purpose.
Do you think Google’s results should be moderated and censored? If so, how, and by whom? To respond and share your thoughts , click link to read full article article by Ms Maksimava titled “Googling for Truth: The Invisible Ways Search Engines Shape Our Opinions”