Somaliland: Online Midwifery Masters Program Evaluation


Ms. Annika Johansson was a trainer for the the distance learning Masters Course in Sexual and Reproductive Health while Khadra Eli Egal centre was coordinator and Khadra Ahmed Hassan right is one of the be eficiary students

Somalilandsun- For the first time in Somaliland midwifes are being availed not only mere university level credentials but up to masters Levels as well.
This ongoing development is courtesy of Programme jointly under implementation by Sweden’s Dalarna University and Hargeisa and Amoud university under Swedish International Development Agency funding.
In pursuit of establishing challenges faced by the program as well as beneficiaries a joint evaluation of online master’s programme in Somaliland was undertaken with a bias on the experience of professional and personal development among midwifery faculty in Somaliland

According to the evaluators composed of Somaliland and Swedish proffesionals The use of online technology in midwifery faculty training was a relatively new phenomenon in 2010–2012 when Dalarna University identified the potential with online technology to increase the number of midwifery faculty and target specific skills gaps.The midwifery faculty were at that time novice user’s with online learning and their experiences were investigated and published in 2015
Continue reading Evaluation of an online master’s programme in Somaliland. A phenomenographic study on the experience of professional and personal development among midwifery faculty
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