Somaliland: EUCAP Nestor in Coast Guard Skills Training


Somaliland Coast guard trainees at a EUCAP NESTOR Workshop

Somalilandsun – EUCAP Nestor Somalia Office Maritime and legal experts conducted mission activities in Somaliland’s capital Hargeisa and the city of Berbera 25 to 30 August.
In the framework of the Mentoring Teaching and Training programme – MTT – coordinated in Somaliland by EUCAP Nestor Senior Maritime Adviser Marco Hekkens, a 3-day MTT activity for Somaliland young Coast Guard Officers was organized between 26 – 28 August.
The opening ceremony of this event was performed by the Somaliland Minister of Interior, Ali Mohammed Waran. In his passionate speech, by welcoming EUCAP Nestor as a “credible actor”, the Minister defined the mentoring of young officers as “an investment in the future” of his Country.
“EUCAP Nestor has shown determination and persistency in working with the Somaliland Coast Guard”, said, Mr. Waran in summary.
The MTT, attended by 20 mostly junior officers, provided a foundation knowledge of maritime subjects. In particular, as a result of the EUCAP Nestor training, the young officers achieved a better understanding of generic Coast Guard Functions such as border control, search and rescue, countering illegal fishing, and surveillance.
“I believe I got a better understanding of the CG function as a Somaliland Coast Guard junior officer” stated one student, Junior Coast Guard Officer Mohammed Youssuf, “but now after the EUCAP Nestor mentoring I become revitalized. You will see and reap the fruits of the tree you have planted”, he added to his Mr Hekkens at the end of the 3-day activity.
The young Somaliland trainees demonstrated an eagerness to continue the training programme with EUCAP Nestor. “This is all theory, when do we get practical training?” Captain Haarwns Siciid Cali, from Zeyla Coast Guard Base, asked Mr Hekkens.
This should not come as a surprise, as when the EU mentor asked his Somaliland students what their favorite motto was, they answered: “Do the job you can do today, do not postpone till tomorrow!”
The Somaliland visit was also an opportunity for one of EUCAP Nestor’s Legal Advisors to discuss with local counterparts how the mission can contribute to the enhancement of prosecutors’ capabilities within the field maritime crime, and consult for planning a training programme for judges, prosecutors and investigators in the police force.
Future proposals for training events in Somaliland were discussed. Among the topics proposedwere: The Somaliland Piracy Law of 2012, handling of evidence in piracy cases and legal aspects and safety awareness for prosecutors.
Source: EUNCAP Nestor
EUCAP Nestor – Somalia Office
CBA Centre, Mara and Ragati Road,
Upper Hill, Nairobi
P.O. Box 30475, 00100 Nairobi, Kenya
Phone: +254 727 106 645